Anyone's welcome to join. The WAR server is on port :26009.

There are a few completed or near completed arenas and a few more in construction.

Below are the commands. Don't worry about gear, you're equipped when you join a team.

/warhub Teleports you to the warhub, if it exists. The warhub offers portals to reach each warzone on the server.
/warzones, /zones Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent TDM arena.
/warzone <zone-name>, /zone <zone-name> Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.
/teams Lists the teams in the warzone. Must be standing in zone or in its lobby.
/join <diamond/iron/gold/d/i/g> In zone, use to change teams. In lobby, use to join team as alternative to walking in the team gate.
/leave Use to leave a warzone. Teleports you back to the zone lobby. Must be in a team already.
/team <message> Team chat.