I predict a Republican victory, one that won't be particularly close.

I also predict that that the loony left will spontaneously combust in a flurry of wild claims and conspiracy theories. They've already set the stage with nonsensical statements by functional idiots like President Carter. The media will give this minority a disproportionate amount of attention.

I'm still looking for one of you folk who support the leftist ideology to provide me with a logical argument in favor of their ideas. Explain again how more taxes on the job builders is going to improve our economy... (which is currently booming.) Explain how cutting our intelligence and military is going to make us safer? How waiting until we get hit to respond (and even then only with complete unanimous UN approval) is going to save American lives here at home.

None of the ideas espoused by the left stand up to close examination. I'm willing to be convinced, but usually all I get is a motto, slogan, or chant. Maybe if I'm lucky a picture of Bush with a little mustache.
None of the ideas espoused by the left have stood up to the "global test" of history. It's a sorry record of failure.

I think most Americans realize that this time around.