I've always been a big fan of Zombies... They are the only thing to ever give me nightmares (unstoppable forces, lack of control, ya know). I love all the Living Dead flicks and love a good Zombie novel. Recently some of you have read or seen the Zombie Survival Guide in your local bookstore. Written by the son of Mel Brooks, Max Brooks wrote an interesting and sometime humorous guide to surviving the coming Zombie plague. Well, Max is at it again. This time he rolls out World War Z, an account of the Zombie War. Written in the form of numerous first person interviews following the 'Great Panic', the books goes into detail of how governments, companies and individuals both failed and succeeded in defeating the Zombies. An interesting read that makes you want to go buy an Axe and move to Alaska. (Remember, Zombies freeze in the winter thus giving you a few months reprise to restock and rebuild defenses until they thaw in Spring).

I found this to be a pretty good read and recommend this one to all. It's my pick of the month. Enjoy
