Nuts and Swae....

Here's the problem. With older Rigs, You have the limitation of AGP and the Motherboards socket. If I remember Swae you have a Dell right? Another problem, Dells don't like upgrades, their really propriatary machines.

Now the good news is that CD/DVD Roms and the such can be reused in a new rig. So any real money is just going to be spent in 4 major catagories.

1) The motherboard
2) The processor
3) The Memory
4) The Video Card

Places like Tiger Direct
and New Egg Have Motherboard combos they sell with the MB,Processor, and Memory that lessen the money blow.

Certain things your looking for in a new Rig that will buy you some time and give you room for upgrade are support for Dual and Quad core processors, and a motherboard thats SLI ready. The ability to run multiple video cards in SLI mode is amazing. You can purchase a single video card and run like that and later on buy a second, strap them in SLI and run TWICE the video. Most MB's have support for at least 4G of memory these days so thats not an issue.

I'll look around and find some MB combos that you'll enjoy for a few years without fear of having to upgrade.